Source code for vespa.vo

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module name:
# Version:     1.0
# Created:     29/04/2014 by Aurélien Wailly <>
# Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Orange
# This file is part of VESPA.
# VESPA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation version 2.1.
# VESPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with VESPA.  If not, see <>.

Vertical orchestrator
from log_pipe import *
from node import *
import sys
import time

[docs]class VO(Node): """Create a Vertical Orchestrator to interconnect all other components. It may be requested by an external controller. All incoming communications go through the *alert()* method, and are parsed there. :return: The VO instance :rtype: Node """ def __init__(self, name, host, port, master, run=True): self.recv_bytes = [] self.trans_bytes = [] self.alerts = [] self.ip_connections = [] self.under_ddos = False self.time_last_attack = 0 super(VO, self,).__init__(name, host, port, None, run) self.register_alert_handler(self.alert) self.model = master
[docs] def get_trans_bytes(self): return [y['bytes'] - x['bytes'] for x, y in zip(self.trans_bytes, self.trans_bytes[1:])][-40:]
[docs] def get_recv_bytes(self): return [y['bytes'] - x['bytes'] for x, y in zip(self.recv_bytes, self.recv_bytes[1:])][-40:]
[docs] def get_next_recv_bytes(self): if len(self.recv_bytes) > 2: item = self.recv_bytes[-1]['bytes'] - self.recv_bytes[-2]['bytes'] else: item = 0 return item
[docs] def get_next_trans_bytes(self): if len(self.trans_bytes) > 2: item = self.trans_bytes[-1]['bytes'] - \ self.trans_bytes[-2]['bytes'] else: item = 0 return item
[docs] def get_ip_connections(self): return self.ip_connections
[docs] def get_alerts(self): return self.alerts[::-1]
[docs] def get_topology(self): # agent_controller = self.findNode("Agent_Controller_Pox") # return self.sendRemote(agent_controller, "get_topology|") return []
[docs] def alert(self, msg): """This is the most important function of the whole framework. The format is *alert|source>...>source>message*. The message is also split in the following format *function#arg1#...#argN*. The two formats are used to create a Finite State Machine, each alert being a state transition. :param str msg: The massage to process with the current format """ debug_comm_len("[%s] Received alert : %s" % (, msg)) # debug2 = self.view_update # print "repr:" + repr(msg) source = msg.split("|")[1].split(">")[-2] message = msg.split(">")[-1] # Global logger self.alerts.append(msg) # # New node registered # if "archi=" in message: self.sendRemotef( self.model, "alert|%s>%s" % (, msg.split("|")[1])) # # Source agent bandwidth # if source == "Agent_Bandwidth": if "recv_bytes" in message: args = message.split('#') tm = args[1] r = args[2] self.recv_bytes.append({'time': float(tm), 'bytes': float(r)}) if len(self.recv_bytes) > 50: self.recv_bytes.pop(0) # self.sendRemotef(self.model, "alert|%s>recv_bytes#%s#%s" % # (, tm, r)) elif "trans_bytes" in message: args = message.split('#') tm = args[1] t = args[2] self.trans_bytes.append({'time': float(tm), 'bytes': float(t)}) if len(self.trans_bytes) > 50: self.trans_bytes.pop(0) # self.sendRemotef(self.model, "alert|%s>trans_bytes#%s#%s" % # (, tm, r)) else: self.sendRemotef( self.model, "alert|%s>Unexpected alert: %s" % (, message)) elif source == "Agent_Connections": if "ip_connections" in message: # debug_info("Got %s" % message) args = message.split('#') a = eval(args[1]) if len(self.ip_connections) > 0: for sip in self.ip_connections: sip['value'] = 0 for ipobj in a: if len(self.ip_connections) == 0 or ipobj['ip'] not in [ selfip['ip'] for selfip in self.ip_connections]: self.ip_connections.append(ipobj) else: for sip in self.ip_connections: if sip['ip'] == ipobj['ip']: sip['value'] = ipobj['value'] debug_info("Analyzing %s" % self.ip_connections) # Reaction new_ddos = False all_good = True for ipobj in self.ip_connections: if ipobj['value'] > 100: new_ddos = True all_good = False elif (ipobj['value'] > 20 and (time.time() - self.time_last_attack) > 30): all_good = False if new_ddos and not self.under_ddos: debug_info("DDos detected, slow mode") if (time.time() - self.time_last_attack) > 30: self.time_last_attack = time.time() self.under_ddos = True agent_bp = self.findNode("Agent_Bandwidth") # agent_controller = self.findNode( # "Agent_Controller_Pox") agent_controller = self.findNode( "Agent_Controller_Floodlight") mac = self.sendRemote(agent_bp, 'get_mac|') self.sendRemotef( agent_controller, "alert_ip|%s#%s" % (ipobj['value'], mac)) debug_info( "DDos detected for %s, forwarding %s" % (ipobj['value'], mac)) elif all_good and self.under_ddos: debug_info("DDos stopped, slow mode") if (time.time() - self.time_last_attack) > 120: self.time_last_attack = time.time() self.under_ddos = False agent_bp = self.findNode("Agent_Bandwidth") # agent_controller = self.findNode( # "Agent_Controller_Pox") agent_controller = self.findNode( "Agent_Controller_Floodlight") mac = self.sendRemote(agent_bp, 'get_mac|') self.sendRemotef( agent_controller, "alert_ip|%s#%s" % (ipobj['value'], mac)) debug_info( "DDos stopped for %s, normal traffic for %s" % (ipobj['value'], mac)) else: self.sendRemotef( self.model, "alert|%s>Unexpected alert: %s" % (, message))